Eligibility and Work Hours

Conditions to Maintain the Scholarships:

Students must work at least 8 hours per week as assigned by the ISE Office during the school year (Work Study).

Students must maintain student status and must not take academic leave during the assistantship period.

Students must not violate any rules, regulations, or codes of conduct outlined by both the Faculty of Engineering and Chulalongkorn University.

Students must maintain a yearly cumulative grade point average above 3.25 (calculated at the end of the second semester each year) for ISE50 and a cumulative grade point average above 3.60 for ISE100.

Determination of Working Hours for ISE Scholarship Students:

Work assigned by the faculty, including research, TA (teacher assistant), tutor, faculty project work, etc.

Student affairs work, such as university activities assigned by the university or faculty.

Faculty public relations work, such as booth arrangement, guidance, and both internal public relations and university work. Set hours credit to your actual workplace, excluding travel and overnight time.

Administrative work, including library work, registration work, and document preparation work.

Other activities on behalf of the university or faculty, such as preparing for welcoming guests of the faculty or conducting guided tours of places or activities on campus.

Unofficial Grades of those who received the scholarship in 2023AY:

2nd Year3.403.4X3.683.723.28